
Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institute: Öffentliche Schulungen in Deutsch - 11.01.2018

KF SSI Education - Public Teachings in German - Öffentliche Schulungen in Deutsch http://german.kfssi.org http://kfssi.org

Apply for student status if you are interested to participate and learn from our private teachings, available in many languages. 

Student Application Form in English http://kfssi.org/study-apply 
Student Application Form in German http://german.kfssi.org/study-apply (available soon) 
Our Live Streaming Links for Public Teachings in English 
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://keshefoundation.org/zoom 
Other Keshe Foundation Links: 
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://keshefoundation.org 
http://keshefoundation.org/volunteer (instructions at the bottom) 
(become a student of KF SSI Education) http://keshefoundation.org/mozhan 
http://keshefoundation.org/kfssi (KF SSI Education) 
http://keshefoundation.org/ssi (SpaceShip Institute) 

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