
Anchoring the Star Being Collaboration Activation from the Star Being Team Channeled Messages

Anchoring the Star Being Collaboration Activation from the Star Being Collaboration Team 


The Star Being Collaboration Team bring forth a meditation to assist you in experiencing their two-part activation process beginning in 2018. This activation cleanses your being of fear, pain and implanted consciousness and humanity’s separation from the Star Beings. 

You will experience a development in your ability to communicate with the Star Beings, in fact, yourself, others and your guides. The second part of the activation will allow you to receive wisdom, love and codes from the Star Beings. This is a specific meditation to aid your experience of the Star Being Collaboration Activation for 2018. 

Other interesting items Capsules of Wisdom https://www.omna.org/capsules-wisdom-... 
Upcoming Workshops https://www.omna.org/workshops/ 

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